What to Expect

Learn, step-by-step, how to deploy, in Microsoft Azure, a working Active Directory forest.

The purpose of this course is to provide you with guidance on how to deploy a baseline Active Directory environment that you can use as a launching pad for other labs of mine or even to use in conjunction with other courses from other authors.

Designed to be completed within the time it takes to eat lunch, this course will take you through the entire process of deploying the necessary Azure resources, configuring those resources, and then deploying Active directory. It's a fun lab to complete but it also teaches you a ton.

By the time you complete this course, you’ll have a working Active Directory environment that you can use as a launching pad for any other labs you might need or want to run through. You can even use this lab simply to learn how to manage an on-prem Active Directory environment.

Lab Details

Designed to be completed within the time it takes to eat lunch, this course will take you through the entire process of deploying the necessary Azure resources, configuring those resources, and then deploying Active Directory.


    You can finish watching all steps to this lab in about one hour. TO get the most out of this course, watch all the videos and then complete the steps that I demonstrate in your own lab environment.


    This deployment lab is a quick-hitter. Featuring just 9 easy-to-follow videos, it's the easiest way to learn how to deploy an Active Directory lab in Microsoft Azure. Good things come is small packages - and this lab is no exception!

What You'll Learn

Students completing this lab will learn how to deploy a Windows Virtual Desktop solution in Azure, leveraging Azure Active Directory Domain Services.

  • We’ll kick off the course with the deployment of an Azure virtual network. We’ll deploy a resource group and then we’ll deploy the vNet, configure the address space of the vNet, and then we’ll configure the address range of the default subnet.

  • After we deploy the virtual network that will host our domain controllers, we’ll deploy two virtual machines on an availability set. These two virtual machines will eventually become domain controllers for the Active Directory forest that we create.

  • With the virtual machines deployed, we’ll configure the first one to prepare it to become a domain controller. We’ll perform preliminary setup and then we’ll install Active Directory Domain Services on it. Once we’ve got the VM ready, we’ll promote it to a domain controller in a brand new Active Directory forest.

  • Once we have the Active Directory forest deployed, we’ll configure custom DNS on the virtual network so that it can properly support the new Active Directory forest.

  • After configuring our custom DNS, we’ll configure the second virtual machine, prepare it for Active Directory, and then promote it to a domain controller as well. We’ll also add the second DC as a custom DNS server for the virtual network.

  • We’ll round things out by configuring Active Directory Sites and Services, before testing Active Directory replication.

Course curriculum

  • 1


    • Introduction

  • 2


    • Deploy a Virtual Network

    • Deploy the Virtual Machines

  • 3


    • Configure DC01

    • Promote DC01

  • 4


    • Configure DNS

    • Configure DC02

  • 5


    • Configure AD Sites and Services

    • Wrap-Up

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  • $29.00 first payment, $19.00 / month onwards

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